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1885 Patrica - 1954 Rio de Janeiro


UA 1934 Roma / Rom
Libretto / Word-book: Emidio Mucci
»azione sacra / Mysterienspiel«

Rolle / Character:
italienisch / italiandeutsch / german 
Cecilia Cäcilia (auch Cäcilie)
La vecchia ciecaDie alte Blinde
Il vescovo UrbanoDer Bischof Urban
Un libertoEin Freigelassener
Un schiavoEin Sklave
L'angelo di DioDer Engel Gottes
Un neofitaEin Neugetaufter
voce celestiale Stimme vom Himmel

Licinio Refices Aufnahmen der Oper "Cecilia"

Aufnahmen / Recordings
Rollen / Charakters
Sänger / Singers
1975 [27.12.1975 live]CeciliaMattioli, Renata
LP: ValerianoCioni, Renato
MC:TiburzioMonachesi, Walter
CD: ciecaLondi, Laura
Dirigent: Danilo BelardinellivescovoRinaudo, Mario
Orchester: Turin RAIAmachioD'Orazi, Attilio
Radioübertragung / BroadcastlibertoLorenzi, Ermanno
Quelle / source: NOLYST schiavoGonzales, Renzo
- bei NOLYST wird E.Lorenzi als"liberto" & "neofita" sowie I.d.Manto als "3.tenore" angegeben
angeloMattioli, Renata
neofitaManto, Ivan del (?)

1976 [13.12.1976 live] Cecilia Scotto, Renata
LP: HRE Valeriano Theyard, Harry
MC: Tiburzio Palmer, Thomas
CD: HO, PO, OPAD cieca Cornell, Gwynn
CD-MP3: HO (128kBit/s) vescovo Kavrakos, Dimitri
Dirigent: Angelo Campori Amachio Monk, Allan (?)
Orchester: OSMS liberto Algie**, Stephen (Stephan)
Aufführung: in New York* schiavo Martinovich, Boris
konzertant / in concert heavenly voice = angelo di Dio (?) Dale, Clamma (?)
*Aufführung in der "Avery Fisher Hall" (bei anderen Quellen wird die "Carnegie Hall" angegeben)
- HO, PO, OPAD (vollständig / complete) und es wird auf dem CD-Cover Clamma Dale angegeben (als "heavenly voice" oder L'angelo di Dio?)
neofita Algie**, Stephen (Stephan)
** eigtl. Algieri, Stefano
Auszüge aus dem Diskussionsforum
- I really don't know the answer to that question...I was told that one person insisted on more money than they could afford, so they took her (whoever she was) out. My source seemed to recall it was Clamma Dale.
- Interesting how recollections differ - I checked my old Mr. Tape catelogue, and the only performance they list(ed) was at Avery Fisher (not Carnegie) on December 13, 1976 with Scotto, Theyard, Dale (touche), Connell, Monk and Kavrokos, Campori conducting.
- I can't tell if Clamma Dale is involved, but if she IS she isn't listed anywhere on the box or labels, and of course there isn't a shred of printed material included. (Was Clamma Dale billing herself as a Mezzo at the time? Isn't this the same year she was so sensational and unequivocally a soprano in Porgy and Bess?) It's possible we ARE talking about two different presentations of this "opera" (it's called an "orotorio" on the box, which I think is much more apt) but how many productions of this thing WERE there likely to be in America in 1976 with these same principals?

1976 [12.1976 live] Cecilia Scotto, Renata
LP: Valeriano Theyard, Harry
MC: Tiburzio Palmer, Thomas
CD: VAIA cieca Cornell, Gwynn
Dirigent: Angelo Campori vescovo Kavrakos, Dimitri
Orchester: OSMS Amachio Fourié, George
Aufführung: in New York* liberto Algie**, Stephen (Stephan)
konzertant / in concert schiavo Martinovich, Boris
Auszüge / Excerpts angelo Scotto, Renata
Quelle / source: Charles Handelman neofita Algie**, Stephen (Stephan)
*Aufführung in der "Avery Fisher Hall" (bei anderen Quellen wird die "Carnegie Hall" angegeben)
- bei VAIA und C.Handelman wird Renata Scotto als "l'angelo di Dio" & "Cecilia" sowie George Fourié als "Almachi(u)s" angegeben
** eigtl. Algieri, Stefano


Orchester / Orchestra
Schallplattenmarke / Label
Abkürzungen / Abbreviations

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